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Version: 0.4.x



This feature is requires an upgrade to WooCommerce POS Pro.


Cashiers will need the list_users, create_users and edit_users capabilities to use all the Customer features.

WordPress Multisite

When using WordPress multisite there are some extra checks to prevent non Super Admins from creating and editing customer.

First, in order for non Super Admins to create new customers, please enable the following option in Network Admin > Settings.

Multisite option to create new users

Additionally, in order for non Super Admins to edit customer details, you will need to add the manage_network_users capability to the cashier.

// change the CASHIER_ID, and
// add to your functions.php file

add_filter('map_meta_cap', 'wc_pos_map_meta_cap', 10, 3);

function wc_pos_map_meta_cap($caps, $cap, $user_id){
if(is_pos() && $cap == 'edit_users' && $user_id === CASHIER_ID){
$caps = array('edit_users');
return $caps;